Blog post 103
Their similarities are that they are both used on webpages with HTML. They have different roles though. JS is used to create an interaction between webpages and the user while CSS is used to design the webpage for better layouts for the user.
I just see them all as a user would see them. What makes it the easier way written out as it does when it’s a performing website/app.
I took a lot of free coding lessons online to sort of prepare for this but it’s way more tough than I expected. There are so many intricate parts to it but that also makes it rewarding and creative.
I really value time in a class room with someone so with this all being online it’s made it a bit harder. But the difficulty is not being too sure where to turn to for more intricate answers.
You really get the best information from someone/something that is really in the mix of what I want to be learning and experiencing.
I am motivated to be in this class because I genuinely am interested in everything we are learning. Every day we have class I am excited to see what else we have in store. I want to create a better life for myself, career wise. This can all lead to that.