Blog 8

Lucy alverson
2 min readJul 26, 2021
  1. An issue caused by coding with complex nested callbacks. each and every callback takes an argument that is a result of the previous callbacks. You can avoid it by event queue and promises.

2. Stubs are functions or programs that affect the behavior of components or modules. Stubs are dummy objects for testing.

3. A stream is an abstract interface for working with streaming data in Node. js. The stream module provides an API for implementing the stream interface. There are many stream objects provided by Node.

4. chaining functions!! You would use Parallel for that first part. The tasks is a collection of functions that runs parallel in practice through I/O switching. Secondly you would use series. Each function in tasks run only after the previous function is completed.

5. A global object is used to print different levels of messages to stdout and stderr. There are built-in methods to be used for printing informational, warning, and error messages.

6.There are a bunch of different ways to terminate a Node. JS application.

process.exit(1) , process.exitCode(1), process.kill ,

7. A non-clustered index doesn’t sort the physical data inside the table. In fact, a non-clustered index is stored at one place and table data is stored in another place. Vs The syntax for creating a non-clustered index is similar to that of clustered index. However, in case of non-clustered index keyword “NONCLUSTERED” is used instead of “CLUSTERED”. Take a look at the following script.

8. A user-defined function is a function provided by the user of a program or environment, in a context where the usual assumption is that functions are built into the program or environment. They allow modular programming, faster execution, reduce network traffic. System functions, table-valued functions, scalar functions.

